Dear Parent/Carer,
On arrival at school children will be asked to change into black pumps.
School Uniform
Dark trousers or shorts
White polo shirt or shirt
School sweatshirt (Royal Blue)
Black shoes
Dark skirt, pinafore dress, trousers with a white polo shirt or blouse a
checked cotton dress (blue, green or yellow) can be worn in summer
For all pupils
The school sweatshirt is available at a cost of £8.65 (or a plain royal blue jumper or cardigan may be worn). The money can be sent into school with your child. We encourage the wearing of the school uniform so that children feel a sense of belonging in the school community.
Please encourage your child to bring a coat to school as the weather can be very unpredictable. In winter weather boots, hats and gloves may be needed.
PE Kit
Plain T-Shirt, Shorts and Black Pumps.
All clothing should be clearly marked with the child's name. Jewellery must not be worn in school.
Haircuts should be sensible so that your child is not teased. Shaved heads and tramlines are not acceptable.
Thank you
Mrs. S. Halligan